connecting brands with the college demographic.

  • Boston Globe, content creation client of Romulus Media
  • Phototeca, on campus / greek life event client of Romulus Media
  • Archrival, ambassador program partner of Romulus Media
  • Fabletics, ambassador program client of Romulus Media
  • Tinder, ambassador program client of Romulus Media
  • Appily, content creation client of Romulus Media

ways to connect.

  • Romulus Media harnesses the power of influencer marketing by partnering with prominent college influencers to amplify your brand's message, ensuring it resonates deeply with the campus crowd. This approach taps into existing student networks (1000+ creators at 40+ universities) fostering authentic engagement and trust among college demographics.

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  • Our tailored content creation services for Instagram and TikTok are designed to captivate the college audience, blending creativity with trends to showcase your brand in a light that's both relatable and engaging for students. Through strategic use of visual storytelling and platform-specific features, we ensure your message stands out in the fast-paced, content-rich environments students thrive in.

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  • Romulus Media develops ambassador programs that turn enthusiastic students into brand advocates on their campuses, creating a ripple effect of brand awareness and loyalty. This grassroots approach not only amplifies your reach but also embeds your brand into the fabric of campus life, making it a topic of conversation and interest. If you already have a program in place, we can also expand upon it through our network :)

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  • By orchestrating branded events with campus organizations, including high-energy fraternity parties, Romulus Media offers a direct channel to engage with students in their natural social settings. These events provide an immersive experience that can significantly boost brand visibility and student engagement, turning casual interactions into lasting brand impressions.

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more about our reach.

At Romulus Media, we specialize in connecting brands with the college demographic through innovative marketing strategies and authentic storytelling. Leveraging influencer partnerships, content creation, and engaging campus events, we craft experiences that resonate deeply with students and elevate brands. Everyday, we discover the power of marketing that's not just seen but felt across campuses nationwide.