In the canvas of college life, every moment—from the serene mornings in the quad to the late-night study sessions under dimmed lights—holds a story waiting to be told. Our content creation paints these stories in vivid hues and dynamic frames, making your brand a part of the college narrative.

the process

  • Hop on a discovery call. We will discuss your current content strategy + where you want to be. This is also the time for us to find out what your exact message is.

  • Now, Romulus has enough info to begin work. We go through both your brand’s Instagram and Tiktok and perform a “content audit”. This allows us to determine what works and what doesn’t for your current audience. It also shows what content elements expanded your audience. This allows us to determine our personalized content playbook for you.

  • Next, Romulus Media invites a handful of creators that show genuine interest in your brand to “tryout”. This creates a competition amongst our network that brings out only the best content for you to post.

  • Content is finalized. Romulus then shares a folder containing a fresh month’s batch of content. We organize in the order we recommend you post in. :)