Amid laughter and camaraderie at fraternity and sorority gatherings, our on-campus events seamlessly integrate your brand into these unforgettable moments. We channel the energy of Greek life—where every handshake, hug, and shared cheer breathes life into bonds that last—to ensure it vibrates through your brand and into the future.

the process

  • Hop on a discovery call and tell us your goals through this event. Whether it’s logo placement or something tangible, like signups — we’ve got you covered. The only info we need aside from your goals are where you want to accomplish them.

  • Next, Romulus Media contacts it’s vast network of on-campus orgs and Greek Life to see who is best suited to accomplish your goals. Here, we get a firm date for your sponsored event.

  • Event time. Your brand is responsible for all the fun attendees had. Congratulations!