Amidst the bustling paths and lively discussions of campus life, our ambassadors stand as trusted guides and familiar faces. They carry your brand's essence in their daily interactions, turning every coffee chat and study group into an opportunity for genuine brand encounters.

the process

  • We must first see if you need to develop your first ambassador program, or if you are simply looking for more ambassadors. If you are developing a program, we begin a back and forth strategy creation process until we are both equally excited.

  • Once we have details of the program, we begin contacting our network. Your selected campuses will be immediately “pitched” on the program and all it has to offer. This sparks the excitement in your potential ambassadors that will make the program unforgettable.

  • Finally, interest has been gathered and names have been taken down. All this info is sent straight to your brand in a spreadsheet. You choose which ambassadors seem best (they’re all great, so it won’t be easy). Don’t hesitate to contact us for our opinions — we’ve worked with nearly all the applicants in the past.