Beyond their digital personas, college influencers weave through the same daily tapestry as their peers—from the whisper-filled libraries to the roaring stands of game nights, and the laughter-echoed gatherings at local hangouts. Why not have them talk “you”?

the process

  • It all starts with discovery call. In order to figure out how to help, we must know who your brand is and what it stands for. What is your message? How do you want it voiced? We review the answers to these questions in tandem to auditing your social accounts to determine which of our creators can serve you best.

  • Next, Romulus Media cultivates a shortlist of creators. These are our recommendations for the creators we think best exemplify your brand. From here, we dually determine which influencers will embark on the campaign.

  • Creative time. Our influencers work best with little to no creative direction — it’s what they do! This stage involves scripts + drafting of the content. We stay here until our clients are as excited as we are to begin posting.

  • Posts are up! We allow posts to marinate for a week before we begin our concluding phase — analysis. Romulus Media will put together a one sheet on how effective the campaign was in quantifiable measures + give our qualitative analysis on certain elements of each piece of content, allowing you to replicate this success in the future.